Psychology Facts

 Psychology Facts


1- Having a hobby or passion makes you a more appealing member of your group.

2- A person who hides their pain behind a smile is called an Eccedentesiast.

3- If you have been hurt many times, and you still know how to smile. Trust me, you are strong.

4- Guys go crazy over a girl's smile when they're attracted to them.

5- When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying. "Please come and listen to me".

6- The people who prefer a window seat in every transport like to be alone during the travel.

7- Waiting is linked to depression time spent waiting for something that's not ever happen can be mentally painful.

8- Once you have true feeling for someone, it will always be there. You many not like them anymore, but still care.

9- Hearing the words " I LOVE YOU" is a great expression  to a girl that she is beautiful.

10- If you have a touch decision to make, flip a coin. Not to decide for you, but you'll realize what you really what when is in the air.

11- Each color if the rose symbolizes certain value. Red is a symbol of love, yellow of friendship, orange of enthusiasm, white of purity and pinky and pink of joy.

12- Girls do not like to compare them with any other girls.

13- When thinking about life remembers this: No amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.

14- People who blush easily are more generous and trustworthy that those who don't.

15- Not having enough sleep per day leads to a desire for sex, depression, and alcoholism.

16- There is no greater religion than, Humanity.

17- Can we teach our generation that a car is not a symbol of success and walking doesn't mean poverty.

18- The most effective way to memorize things is to make a 17 minute break for every 52 minutes of studying.

19- As you get older, your brain beings to stop getting pleasure from new music, causing your musical taste get stagnate.

20- Women speed nearly one year of their lives deciding what we're.

21- Too much thinking can lead to hair loss.

22- In a middle class family behind every little happiness, someone's sacrifice is hidden.

23- Any friends that was born in the period between 16 and 28 years age is more likely to be robust and long lasting.

24- It is possible to die from a broken heart it is known cardiomyopathy.

25- People that cuddle can become addicted to each other and experience symptoms similar to withdrawal when apart.

26- Relationships are as important for your health as diet and exercise.

27- Around 80% of all human conversions are gossip.

28-70% of people choose to keep things to themselves to avoid being judged by others.

29- About 85% of the things we worry about never happen, according to a psychologist at the university of California, Riverside.

30- For 96% of women, being kissed on the neck by their partner is the most favorite things in life.

31- Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong, it just mean you value your relationship more than your ego.

32- Misunderstanding between husband and wife affects the mental health of child. This is a strong messages for society.

33- Comedians and funny people are actually more depressed than others.

34- The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that person.

35- If someone's shoes are pointed towards you, they are listening to you, and if they aren't they don't want to continue talking to you.

36- Thinking of love and sex influences creativity and concrete thinking, respectively.

37- Reading a book for 30 minutes every day can help you live two years longer than non-reading.

38- Your crush sees you as 20% more attractive than you think you are.

39- When a new person enter in your best friends life then your importance decreases.

40- Scientists estimate that you'll fall in love seven times before you get married.

41-    Around 80% of people use music as an escape from all the negative things in life.

42- Moving one step closer to your goals daily is linked with more positive mood, better sleep, and stronger relationship.

43- If you speak and encourage yourself in front of mirror, you will be mentally strong.

44- Crying release stress hormones, which is why you feel better after crying.

45- An attractive face is preferred over an attractive body for long-term relationship.

46- Having someone you can talk to about your problem is to about your problems is linked with much better sleep and has strong mental health benefits.

48- 90% of people laugh even harder, when they try to explain why they are laughing.

49- When a man makes money, he feels like he wants more women, but when a woman makes money she feels like she doesn't need a man.

50- Those who sleep late, wake up late, are more intelligent.

51- Don't argue through text messages, because the lack of tone decreases the meaning of the words.

52- Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.

53- The only animal that a lion is afraid of is his lady lioness. So if you are afraid of your lady, that means you're a lion.

54- Most teddy bears are manufactured with a neutral expression so children can project their own emotions onto them.

55- One of the hardest tasks for the human mind is convincing yourself that you no longer care.

56- Sometimes music speaks what you feel inside.


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