Science fact

 Awesome and science fact

1. Venus is one of the planets to revolve clockwise

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 Venus is one of the planets to revolve clockwise due to the sun's gravitational force pulling on Venus's atmosphere, causing tidal friction and this is combined with friction between the mantle and core of the Venus.  All other planets revolve anti-clockwise their axis. Venus is a really mysterious planet in our solar system also it remains unknown exactly how Venus ended up rotating clockwise.

2. On the Mars the color of the sun is Blue 
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 Martian sunsets typically stand out for their characteristic blue color. A tiny dust particle in the atmosphere allows blue light to penetrate the atmosphere more effectively than color with longer wavelengths. 

3. Earth contain 3-trillion trees

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 On the earth more trees as compare to the stars in our milky way. Earth contain 3-trillion of the trees the really unbelievable other side in our milky way galaxy contains 100 billion to 400 billion stars.

4- Human body contains billions of cells

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 Every human body contains billions of nerve cells (neurons). In the brain 100 billion and in the spinal cord 13.5 million. In the body, neurons take up and send out electric and chemical signals (electrochemical energy) to the other neurons.

5- In the summer Eiffel Tower is 15cm taller

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 You know that in summer season Eiffel Tower gained a few centimeters but lost in winter.
This is a natural physical phenomenon is known as thermal expansion. Due to the heat it can increase in volume that makes the Eiffel Tower a few centimeters taller. The Eiffel Tower is 15 cm larger during the summer months.

6. Do you know the fact of the Dolphin?

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They can hold their breath 5 to 6 minutes
Also, they sleep with one eye    
They use nose to kill the shark  

7. Chocolate contains the same chemical when we fall in love
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Are you aware that chocolate contains a chemical called phenyl ethylamine (PEA).
The same substance released into your brain when he/she falls in love. This is why we give chocolate into love.

8. Smasher mantis shrimp punch like a bullet
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You know Smasher shrimp can strike like bullets, and it's the only species in the animal kingdom that does that.
A single strike may tear off a crab's arm or pierce a snail's shell. 
Which is why in the aquarium contain these species in a bullet pane.

9. Petabyte Contain a lot of data 
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You know that a Petabyte contain huge data. We all know 1GB is equal to 1024MB, but in one PB is equal to 1024 terabyte (TB). One Petabyte (PB) holds 13.3 years of HD video. 
50 Petabyte hard disks contain entire works of mankind from the beginning in all languages.

10. World smallest bird, bee humming

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You know that the bee hummingbird is the smallest bird on earth.
It is about 3-5 inches in length and has a weight of less than 2 grams.

11. One fruit look like bursting planet
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Hala fruit one of the fruits that looks like a shattered planet and tastes like sugar cane. This fruit has a large edible fruit that consists of many segments called Keys or cones and is found in southeastern Asia, eastern Australia. 


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